Tree Pruning

Trees have been living on this planet longer than humans and haven't needed any intervention. This being said, why do we prune? One answer is coexistence. If you are on this page chances are you enjoy living amongst trees. To do that safely, it may require some intervention from a trained arborist that knows what is best for your tree(s) while taking into account your requests as the homeowner.

Pruning Services include

  • Canopy cleanings
  • Canopy raising
  • Canopy reduction
  • Structural pruning/training ornamentals or saplings
  • Canopy thinning


Well structured trees rarely require support. Where as trees with poor structure may escape failure with the addition of a cable installation. Cables come in two varieties and depending on the situation, tree species, and the risk of failure our arborists can make the decision based on the trees needs and your concerns.


Steel threaded rod can be used on parts of the tree that need additional support. These work well in conjunction with cabling to reduce the risk of a tree failure.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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